Defacing Websites, "Stealing" Free Papers

Dennis dperrin13 at
Wed Mar 28 11:02:16 PST 2001

> On LBO-talk, I doubt that anyone would condemn left-wing hackers for
> defacing & otherwise attacking websites operated by right-wingers or
> imperialist governments. Why, then, scold Brown students of color
> for taking & destroying *free* student papers, *which usually isn't
> even a crime by capitalist standards*?
> Yoshie

What if rightwing hackers decided to deface LBO-Talk? Or if rightwing students pulled down posters and handbills announcing an on-campus speech by, say, Chomsky or Tim Wise? There's a free lefty student paper here in Ann Arbor, and I certainly would be upset if local righties rounded up every copy and set them to flame. Sure, it's not a crime even by "capitalist standards," but would we see it as such?


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