RES: The bourgoisie worries about the Japanization of the US economy

Alexandre Fenelon afenelon at
Thu Mar 29 15:26:41 PST 2001

-----Mensagem original----- De: owner-lbo-talk at [mailto:owner-lbo-talk at]Em nome de Doug Henwood Enviada em: quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2001 17:24 Para: lbo-talk at Assunto: Re: The bourgoisie worries about the Japanization of the US economy

I would like to ask some questions about the current situation of US economy 1-How much wealth was "destroyed" with the stocks devaluation? 2-How does it impair the ability of American families paying their debts? Are there risks of massive default? 3-How a policy of lowering interest rates would change consumers debt and US current account deficit? 4-How many time a currency account debt is sustainable withouth causing major damage to economy. It´s a situation very similar to Brazil, where we´ve been suffering intermitent low intensity crisis since 1995, while sustaining 4-5% of current account deficit. Of course, this deficit is in foreign currency, unlike yours.


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