John Stuart Mill (was Re: Student Protests Against Horowitz Ad)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Sat Mar 31 08:09:51 PST 2001

>At 06:16 AM 3/31/01 -0500, Jim Farmelant wrote:
>> > I'm honored that you find my act of clipping far more captivating &
>>> worthy of a comment than the content of an opinion of a great
>>> philosopher.
>>I think that we have been all been awestruck by Kelley's
>>powers of intellectual analysis. I am just speechless
>>by her acute analysis of J.S. Mill.
>>Jim F.
>feel free to point out where yoshie provided an analysis.

Perhaps when a person posts a quotation from J.S. Mill (or whatever else -- stats, opinion polls, newspaper articles, journal articles, etc.), s/he hopes that there will be a discussion on J.S. Mill (or whatever else is posted), instead of getting "a biznizz idear...www.snip(p)"


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