>(Michael showing his neo-conservative tendencies ;-) (Just read
>some acrid letters from and to Stephen Schwartz and windbag,
>troll, William Mandel in the Anderson valley Advertiser--- Edward
>Luttwak, latest new contributor there.)
>(now where was I?)
>(just deleted a bunch of rambling, OTOH blatherama which expressed
>my ambivalent feelings
>some rooted in the textual evidence in the C-H's TWCATWF and
>The Nation article from 1977 by the Noamster...
With all due respect, this post of yours was absolutely incomprehensible. It reminds me of a third-hand story I once heard about Gayatri Spivak: after a speech of hers someone asked her whether she could be "more clear." She responded by asking, "Why do you fetishize clarity?"
John Lacny