--- "It's sad to say, but true," said Stanis. Chevron's request is the "first we've seen" of calls for a "three-point," or a number three followed by a decimal point, which would form the front portion of the nation's highest-ever gasoline prices.
Wagner Zip-Change Inc. and several other companies around the country report brisk interest in signage to display $2-a-gallon fuel
"Today's pumps can handle a price of $9.99 a gallon before becoming obsolete, said spokesman Van Negris. 'If gasoline goes to $10 a gallon, there will be a revolution,' he joked, and he wasn't referring to potential upheaval in the gas pump industry" ---
http://quicken.excite.com/investments/news/story/djbn/?story=/news/stories/d j/20010501/BT20010501004878.htm&symbol=CHV