Hitchens on Kerrey

Nathan Newman nathan at newman.org
Fri May 4 14:04:41 PDT 2001

----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Henwood" <dhenwood at panix.com>
> HITCHENS: Of Bob Kerrey?
> But look, none of the people he killed were raped. None of
> them were dismembered. None of them were tortured. None of
> them were mutilated, had their ears cut off. He never
> referred to them as gooks or slopes or afterwards. So it --
> con -- for one day's work in a free-fire zone in the Mekong....

-Can anyone parse this? Is this some sort of irony?

No, I think he was consistent both here and on Politically Incorrect in putting responsibility on those who created the free-fire zones and sent young men into a horrendous situation. He is not excusing Kerrey and probably likes that Kerrey is not looking for simple absolution (as do I) but does not want the crimes of Vietnam to be dumped on the line soldiers when the real responsibility is with LBJ, McNamara, Nixon and Kissinger and all those who sent those young men off to kill.

His point is that in the relative level of atrocities done in Vietnam, Kerrey being involved in one major incident of mass murder with no evidence of particular sadism is not a reason for others to mount a high moral horse to condemn him, since it is hardly obvious that a lot of folks in the same situation would have necessarily done better. In fact, all evidence is that many did the same or far worse.

That does not excuse it and all have to wrestle with their own demons, but it is hardly the place for most in American society, which voted the money for the bombs and sent Kerrey there, to assume a morally superior stance to condemn him when the culpability for his actions are shared by all political leaders and those who put them in office.

And I say all that with no particular love for either Hitchens or Kerrey.

-- Nathan Newman

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