doctor disease

John Halle john.halle at
Sat May 12 18:19:05 PDT 2001

Doug wrote:

> Null's theory of the healthworld is pretty conspiratorial in a way
> not unlike Fed conspiracy theories: orthodox medicine is just a big
> plot by big pharma, the science is a sham, etc.

I vaguely remember being brought up short a while back hearing Null endorse something which might be described, without going into to too much detail, as "urine therapy". I personally think fringe lunacy of this sort, does the left, or what passes for it these days, a lot damage. Of course, it is nothing new, recall Orwell's famous rant:

"Socialism calls up a picture of vegetarians with wilting beards, of Bolshevik commissars (half gangsters , half gramophone), of earnest ladies in sandals, shock-headed Marxists chewing polysyllables, escaped Quakers, birth control fanatics, and Labour party backstairs crawlers. If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly!"

Null would have found a home at the Labour Party Summer School in Herforshire in 1937 just as he does at BAI or at Zmag.

Incidentally, I'm curious how one draws a distinction between Null's scepticism of orthodox medicine and science versus the post-modern variant, say that of Bruno Latour or for that matter Kuhn or Feyerabend. I once asked F. whether he would have his children vaccinated and he said yes but that he didn't think it made any difference.

At least Null has the courage of his pomo convictions.


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