Ollman & McCloskey & Spivak & Klare

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon May 14 13:08:33 PDT 2001

(Sounds like a legal firm!) Just got back from browsing at books.

Bertell Ollman blurbs a book by Ayn Rand scholar, Chris Scialabbra, on dialectics.

Newest issue of Rethinking Marxism has Deirdre McCloskey, in a set of articles with G. Spivak. McCloskey contributes a piece on, "Postmodern Market Feminism."

Looking at the RM, for a moment, I thought I was looking at Critical Review, the libertarian journal that has regularly published lefties, like Barkley Rosser recently.

One other blurb, of my own, the new book by Michael Klare on Resource Wars, is excerpted in the newest Foreign Affairs, the CFR publication. If Mark Jones is on this list too, he should find it interesting.

Michael Pugliese

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