Makin' $$ on the way down?

Charles Brown CharlesB at
Tue May 15 13:03:45 PDT 2001

>>> seamus2001 at 05/14/01 08:43PM >>> World's richest avoid market woes as 180,000 join cash millionaires' ranks By Saeed Shah 15 May 2001 The world's richest people escaped last year's stock market rout unscathed, emerging even wealthier by selling out of equities or using sophisticated hedging techniques.

While small investors were burnt by plunging markets, with both the FTSE 100 and the American S&P 500 ending the year down 10 per cent, rich individuals saw their wealth rise by 6 per cent to $27 trillion (£16.6 trillion).



CB: Somehow this is the fundamental story of the stockmarket big fish and small fish , isn't it ? Reminds me of three card monty on the streets of NYC.

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