Ashcroft's prayer circle

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Wed May 16 21:42:41 PDT 2001

Ian Murray wrote:
> ===========
> Aren't practices and ideas just co-sedimented in historical time? I'm
> looking at Butler, Laclau and Z's "Contingency, Hegemony, Universality
> [hey it was cheap :-)] and dadgummit they're on to something....

"Historical time" includes at least several hundred thousand years -- several hundred thousand years _before_ homo sapiens even appeared. When we first discover ourselves as human we are already deeply engaged in practices that have their root in homo erectus, homo habilis, australopithecus erectus . . . .Our thought comes into being, historically and biologically, as a precipitant of our practice.

And this continues to be so in the present. The secret of treating the present as history lies in seeing the priority of practice to theory.


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