Prescription For Fascism: Alternative Medicine and Right-WingPolitics

Marta Russell ap888 at
Mon May 21 11:02:48 PDT 2001

Gordon Fitch wrote:
> I became interested in alternative medicine back in the days
> when doctors told people that diet wasn't very important and
> that vitamins didn't do anything. I noticed that taking
> vitamin C and vitamin A reduced the incidence and duration
> of colds. This set me to thinking, and it came to me that
> the medical profession was a profit-making enterprise whose
> personnel were rather conservative politically and socially,
> and that they weren't making any money off over-the-counter
> vitamins. It seemed possible that they were just a bunch
> of guys (mostly guys) who were trying to get rich real fast
> and otherwise reflected the usual unthinking prejudices of
> their culture, class and times. In dawned on me that the
> medical profession might have something other than _my_
> best interests at heart.
I certainly have come to this same realization. Further, some of the alternative medicine people are into toxicology - and believe that the root of modern illness can be linked to the industrial revolution. They are big on poison and the environmental causes of illness that the AMA will not touch because they would have to be critical of AMerican industrial practices and products.

So there is a left perspective here too.


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