Ideology and "Psychology", was Re: identifying with the enemy

Gordon Fitch gcf at
Tue May 22 16:57:55 PDT 2001

Michael Pugliese:
> ...
> Racism in the US military? What, anarchist Gordon channelling Charles
> Moskos? (Low blow!?) ....

All I can tell you about it is what I observed myself. There were plenty of racists and racism, but the official policy of the Army strongly deprecated it. The ranks were integrated -- the company I was in was for quite a while more than half Black -- and the overt racists were risking both their careers, because of official disapproval, and their lives, because of the likelihood of fragging. Therefore, I reasoned that Gritz might have concealed the racist convictions I said he did not display. We're talking about the Infantry; the large part of the military who do not anticipate the possibility of direct combat may feel freer to exhibit their prejudices.

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