doctor disease redux

Alec Ramsdell aramsdell at
Wed May 23 09:57:02 PDT 2001

Marta Russell posted:

> Powerful
> neuroleptic
> drugs, such as Risperdal, are being widely
> prescribed to
> children

Yeah, I've known users who are happy with Risperdal as a cocaine-substitute.

Reading this thread, I keep thinking about the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. Months ago, when I lived in Seattle, the Seattle Times reported on a venture-capital based cancer treatment experiment. Money was being made by the doctors/co-investors (one a Nobel Prize winner) while lives were being lost, patients lied to, and irrefutable evidence of the procedure's mortal hazards was being ignored or manipulated. I can't think of the names right now, or the exact treatment procedure. I'll search around the internet for the Times series. Does anybody have info on this?


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