When right/left get fuzzy

jean-christophe helary helary at niji.or.jp
Tue May 29 07:55:04 PDT 2001

<Ian Murray>-----
> EDGBASTON, England -- William Hague says government must provide free
> cradle-to-grave health care for all. He backs a ban on handguns. He
> endorses the right to abortion on demand. He supports a monthly
> handout to every family with children and education subsidies that pay
> about 95 percent of every college student's tuition.

-----</Ian Murray>

not that fuzzy when it comes to immigration policies. here you can see where hague comes from, the far right, that is just as far right in the us as in gb. although i don't know much on that, there were a few papers in le monde about racial riots in the manchester area recently. hague's program is put all the asylum seakers in the box until their status is clarified.

jc helary

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