Arguments for ground war

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Fri Nov 2 09:58:08 PST 2001

Greg says:>When the violence started at the time of the vote the left should
>have been vocal of immediate military intervention, but we were not.
>It was clear then the duplicity of our government, it was absolutely
>clear that the violence (which had been warned about time and time
>again) was expected and part of the plan - but the Australian left
>would not, could not suggest anything as impure as military
>protection being sent, far better that thousands of East Timorese
>die and tens of thousands be made virtual prisoners in Indonesia
>than we sully ourselves saying what needed to be done. Should socialists support the UN troops? Comments by Martin Thomas As the West mobilises a 'peacekeeping' force to go in to East Timor, should socialists welcome this initiative, or is it merely imperialism in a velvet glove?

Australian troops, East Timor, and working-class politics... <snip> Michael Pugliese

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