Chaos Theory and Leftist Economics

Carl Remick carlremick at
Sun Nov 4 17:09:31 PST 2001

>From: "Forstater, Mathew" <ForstaterM at>
>Once, when I presented a paper promoting alternatives to "rational" or
>"optimal" economic planning that included a section critiquing the
>Austrian argument against economic planning (the Austrians often go on
>and on about the 'creative powers' of entrepreneurs, while denying
>policymakers that same human characteristic), someone in the audience
>presented an argument like the one Doug is noting. He said, "if a
>corporation builds a bridge and it messes up the job, it suffers the
>consequences, but if government builds it and messes up..." and then he
>just lifted his eyebrows and held up his hands palms up. I said pardon
>my ignorance but you'll have to finish the sentence for me, because it
>is not clear to me at all that there are no consequences for government

Drawing on my deep well of anecdotalism and speaking from many years' experience in the private sector, I would say that corporate CEOs are infinitely less accountable than elected officials, far more shielded from public criticism, and much more governed by pure ego and whim. Corporate CEOs live on their own Fantasy Islands to a degree that elected officials could never dream of.



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