Dave Emory, Fascism, and Pacifica Radio

Art McGee amcgee at well.com
Thu Nov 8 16:15:35 PST 2001

> I think both you and Adolph Reed are "getting real work
> done." Why the sudden turn in your rhetoric toward
> downright nastiness and petty personal attack? I have
> always valued the BRC News because of its sharp polemic
> that nonetheless avoided plumbing the sewers for
> invective. If you have political criticisms of Reed,
> fine, but slurs are not convincing.

Whatever. This thread is a waste of my time, so I'll drop it.

For the record, I speak for MYSELF, not any organization.

Let's move on to something more interesting.

I can't stand this Dave Emory guy. You know, the one who is always chasing Fascists around every corner and has the radio show. He seems to view Fascism and corruption in the U.S. as something that is anamolous as opposed to be endemnic and part of the foundation of the project. I hate these conspiracy theorists like him and what's that other clown, "The Expert Witness" on WBAI. They are all pro-imperialist and pro-oppression, and think that you simply have a few bad apples, as opposed to the apple itself being rotten. I view them as a distraction from the real issues of what's wrong, but it seems that Pacifica Radio only has space for that sort of creepy conspiracy or "corruption" bullshit, but doesn't have time for a real attack against Capitalism and Imperialism.

Everything is just completely shot to fucking hell. Liberals and their lackeys have taken over every motherfucking thing, and a real radical or revolutionary critique is simply missing from even the alternative media outlets.



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