Marable weighs in

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Nov 8 20:51:29 PST 2001

Mina Kumar wrote:

>> >> [The city's notorious Street Crimes Unit functioned not
>>>> unlike El Salvador's "Death Squads," unleashing
>>>> indiscriminate terror and armed intimidation against
>>>> "racially profiled" victims.
>>> It's one thing for MOP to talk about BrookNam, but for
>>> Manning Marable to compare the NYC police to the death
>>> squads is just embarassing rhetoric.
>>Sorry that you are confused. He's speaking as a radical
>>Black man, not a quasi-liberal such as yourself, so his
>>words speak the truth and resonate with me and mine.
>He's speaking as an American, I'll give you that.

Sorry to be a vulgar empiricist, but how many people did El Salvador's death squads kill, and how many have the NYPD killed? The ratio's something like 10,000 to 1, no?


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