Baudrillard "weighs" in

Ken Hanly khanly at
Fri Nov 9 11:38:28 PST 2001

Yuck. I prefer translating the French from all-bran cereal to get a recipe for bran muffins and compare it to the English version. Actually I use the English version to help translate the French! Of course u dont get to do that in the US. Pity!

Everyone without exception dreamed of this event? How does he prove that? Because no one can fail to dream of the destruction of any power become so hegomonic. Hmm... and how does one prove that? Anyway I must have repressed my dream of that or I dont remember it.....or else his presumption is pure intellegentsia bs......And why is a power so hegmonic bothering to go around building coalitions etc. Why doesn't it just say to hell with everyone else to begin with and save a lot of money paying off Pakistan and trying to keep everyone on side as much as possible..?

I really can't fathom why anyone would read stuff like this...

Cheers, Ken Hanly

----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Henwood" <dhenwood at> To: "lbo-talk" <lbo-talk at> Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 11:44 AM Subject: Baudrillard "weighs" in


Jean Baudrillard," The Spirit of Terror" (excerpts, translated courtesy of Brian Holmes)

"...All the discourses and commentaries betray a gigantic suturing of the event itself, and of the fascination it commands. The moral condemnation, the holy alliance against terrorism are on the scale of the prodigious jubilation at seeing this world superpower destroyed, or better, seeing it somehow destroy itself, in a beautiful suicide. Because with its unbearable power it has fomented this violence pervading the world, along with the terrorist imagination that inhabits all of us, without our knowing.

That we dreamed of this event, that everyone without exception dreamed of it, because no one can fail to dream of the destruction of any power become so hegemonic - that is unacceptable for the Western moral conscience. And yet it's a fact, which can be measured by the pathetic violence of all the discourses that want to cover it up.

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