USA Policy towards Iraq

H. Curtiss Leung hncl at
Sun Nov 11 08:41:47 PST 2001

Vague memories, but here goes: I thought Bush the elder and Brent Scowcroft had written that deposing Saddam Hussein was not an objective of the Gulf War, but that after the fact wished it had been (yeah right). OTOH, I recall articles in both _The Nation_ and on decrying the Clinton admin's decision to make Saddam's overthrow a policy objective (this around the time of an execution of a high ranking Iraqi military commander for ploting a coup--I think the stated preferred method of disposal was an insider military coup).

I haven't the time to scare up actual references right now, but maybe this will jog someone else's memory. But it seems that both Bush the elder and Scowcroft's after-the-fact regrets and the Clinton admin's stated aims were ideological and just for domestic comsumption--in the latter case, especially if the perfered method of disposal is still a palace coup. -- Curtiss

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