Ollie's persecutor

Kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Sun Nov 11 13:02:22 PST 2001

At 05:55 AM 11/11/01 -0500, Michael Pollak wrote:

>Now the reason this strikes me as absurd on its face is that in 1986, ObL
>and the US were still on the same side, since back then the US was still
>supporting the "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan just like we were in
>Nicaragua. And yet I do have a vague memory of the original exchange, and
>I'm pretty sure Ollie did name some famous terrorist he said was out to
>get him, like Carlos the Jackal or someone. Does anyone happen to
>remember who it was? Or is anyone geeky enough to have the Iran-Contra
>hearings in book form on their shelf where they can look it up?


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