Pure Stupidity? Something Else?

jean-christophe helary helary at niji.or.jp
Fri Nov 16 05:43:28 PST 2001

> > Seth,
> >
> > Do you have a cite for the claim about SA?
> >
> > Ian
> .
> Sure. Look at Seymour Hersh's story in the New Yorker a few weeks ago. He
> documents Saudi princes and businessmen giving money to OBL, visiting his
> Afghan redoubt for "hunting parties" -- with the Saudi leadership constantly
> sweeping the stuff under the rug and obstructing US investigations into it.
> Maybe that's not quite as close as OBL's relationship with the Taliban but
> it's damn close.
> Seth

there was a full page article in le monde _octobre_ 4 on the relation between obl and sa.

jc helary

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