Hitchens as the love child of Safire

Brad DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Fri Nov 16 15:18:54 PST 2001

>Coy, very coy. Outdoes me in evasiveness even. So where do you stand
>on civil liberties, absolute control by Empire, etc.?
>I ask because I just had yet another run-in, at the CUNY
>globalization conference, with people who heard my claims about the
>contradictory nature of capitalism to be nothing but an apology.
>Silvia Federici, my panel-mate, was going on about how it's been
>nothing but pauperization since the day Capital was born, how it's
>been unmitigated hell for women, social indicators keep going
>down... I said, well, it's not all like that - women can find wage
>labor liberating (even admidst exploitation) when it's compared to
>prostitution or rural patriarchy, that life expectancies have risen
>across much of the globe, that more people can read than ever. She
>would have none of it, and about half the audience was with her. The
>ISO, Gott sei dank, was there in force and on my side.

Where does she come from? And does she really know nothing about how her great-great grandmothers lived?

Brad DeLong

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