I Don't Get It

michael pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Nov 19 13:09:40 PST 2001

Doing a google on, "Left Soviet Intervention Afghanistan, " I found a few cites on the late Eqbal Ahmad. (BTW, an early piece of his in the Vietnam Reader edited by Marvin Gettleman from 1966. Mass market pb. Speech at teach-in on counter-insurgency.)

A few graphs before the end of this tribute, http://www.hampshire.edu/academics/ss/eqbal/zehra.html . "Neither dogma, nor authority, peer group pressure or static ideology informed Eqbal's position on political issues. For example, Eqbal condemned the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan as he did Gorbachev's flirtation with the West. Unlike others from the left, Eqbal remained consistently critical of Stalin's crimes. Most recently during conversation Eqbal said Well on Kosovo I am in strength of one against all the American leftists opposing NATO's campaign against Belgrade. Eqbal weeks ago declared that without ground troops from NATO intervention will not succeed in preventing a genocide of the Kosovars."

Finding the latter claim, surprising, I looked a little more. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/9803/eqbal_ahmad/index_eqbal_ahmad.html is a Eqbal Ahmad archive. Go to the International topics section and peruse the final three pieces. "Controversy over Kosovo;" "Why NATO has Failed;" and, "NATO, Kosovo & Russia." His positions were not as presented, exactly (!) in the first paragraph above but, neither were they as easily assimilable to the majority opinion on the left a few yrs. ago. Michael Pugliese P.S. At the library now, I'll struggle with those awful microfilm readers in a bit to peruse the issues of The Guardian from 1978 to get some cites for Yoshie on the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan. Last time I did this, reading back to the death of Mao and the fall of the Gang of Four, there were roiling polemics over the future of the PRC. Jack Smith (jacdon from the Mid-Hudson IAC and WWP who posts here) was the editor of the Guardian then. And, a hostile neo-con polemic against pacifists on the Left by George Weigel, "Peace & Revolution: The Moral Crisis of American Pacifism, " has useful material on the main US pacifist orgs. like AFSC, WRL, and WILPF re: Vietnam, pre and post 1975, as well as Cambodia and Grenada.

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