Conspiracy Theory as Clutter [Fwd: Re: Dumb gets dumber]

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Tue Nov 20 19:06:40 PST 2001

Carrol>...It has done damage already. In explaining the crimes of NATO in Yugoslavia to contacts, I will no longer be able to refer them to (or use myself) information for which the only or primary source is Emperor's Clothes. I'm just not going to risk being made a fool of by citing a source which also claims that Tuesday's bombings were the result of a comic-book conspiracy by the Imperialists. I don't read Pugliese's posts, but I would be willing to bet that soon he will be spreading Jared's theory around the net, accompanied by headings saying, in effect, "See, if he can say this, how can you trust him on Srebrenica?"

I spend little time countering Jared anymore on left lists since the forwards by others has deceased rather dramatically since last fall. However just did a search on the right-wing militia and conspiracy theory listservs I sub to for Jared and The Emperors New Clothes. On yahoogroups, these militia lists since July 1st, Eagle-L (by a close friend, Robert Lederman of NYC Green loon, Mitchel Cohen) American Patriots Friends Network, Vampire Killers, and PIML. Conspiracy theory lists, mostly at yahoogroups, as well, CTRL, Conspiranoia, Rumour Mills, and Paranoid Times. Many conspiranoia websites feature him as well, (Article of the Week: The Illuminati And The Counsel On Foreign Relations By Myron C. Fagan

Jeesh, that "Fagan" sheeit still gets around! [Red Stars in Hollywood: Their Helpers, Fellow Travelers, and Co-Conspirators by Myron C. Fagan ] 9-11 Update Since "Guilty For 9-11: Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers"

On Srbenica, something close to 5000 of the 7K dead have been identified by forensic tests by the last articles I saw in the SF Chronicle and the European press.

For a truly bizarre reading of a much larger massacre, Rwanda in '94, that does fit the legal definition of genocide, see Christopher Black, Canadian lawyer and one of the organizers of the Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic.

For two books that got good reviews on the Rwandan bloodbath see, **Melvern, Linda. A people betrayed : the role of the West in Rwanda's genocide / Linda Melvern. London ; New York : Zed Books ; New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin's Press, c2000. **Prunier, Gérard. The Rwanda crisis : history of a genocide / Gérard Prunier. New York : Columbia University Press, c1997.

Zed Books, is the longtime leftist publisher in the UK on Third World subjects. One of their better books in the backlist is by Michael McClintock, The American Connection: State Terror and Popular Resistance in Guatemala (London: Zed Books, 1985), he also authored, "Instruments of statecraft : U.S. guerrilla warfare, counterinsurgency, and counter-terrorism, 1940-1990 / Michael McClintock. New York : Pantheon Books, c1992. These two along with~~~Shafer, D. Michael, 1953- Deadly paradigms : the failure of U.S. counterinsurgency policy / D. Michael Shafer. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, c1988 ~~~are three of the best on works on counter-revolution.

Back to Jared, final word for now. Doesn't he remind one of Walter Duranty, the notorious correspondent for the NYTimes in the 30's that covered up the Ukranian famine and lied about the Purge trials? Taylor, S. J. (Sally J.) Stalin's apologist : Walter Duranty, the New York times's man in Moscow / S.J. Taylor. New York : Oxford University Press, 1990. Michael Pugliese sey+Clark+ URL for this article:

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======================================= Racism, Murder and Lies in Rwanda by Christopher Black [6 September 2001] =======================================

Last weekend a world conference on racism took place in Durban, South Africa at the request of the General Assembly of the United Nations. The following demonstrates that even those who set up this conference are guilty of racism.

On the 22nd of August a letter was sent to Adama Dieng, the Registrar of the UN's International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda (ICTR), the sister tribunal to the one in the Hague. The ICTR sits at Arusha, Tanzania.

**************** Voice of the Forgotten ****************

The letter was written by the prisoners at the ICTR, every one a Hutu, in the name of common humanity and the moral well-being of men and women presumed to be innocent and in the name of equality of treatment and common justice.

Following this introductory note is a translation of that letter from the original French.

The letter demonstrates clearly the racism that drives the lies and propaganda against the Hutus, condemned as "genocidaires," and whose only crime was to defend their small country against a foreign invasion by Tutsis from outside Rwanda with the backing of the United States, Britain, Belgium, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the United Nations itself.

This invasion had the objective of restoring the tyranny of minority Tutsi rule while reducing the majority Hutu people to serfdom and a life of terror and that was supported by the great powers in order to take control of all of central Africa and its vast and incalculable resources.

The propaganda against the Hutus is racist to the core and is generated by the Tutsi claim to be a superior race, more white than the "primitive" Hutus, a Bantu people, and it fits nicely with the racist attitudes of the Americans, British and Belgians who took part in the invasion and helped murder the Presidents of both Rwanda and Burundi on April 6, 1994.

********************************* Rwanda and Yugoslavia: Eery Similarities *********************************

It is time the world woke up to the truth about the war in central Africa and the events of April through July of 1994. These events parallel the attacks on Yugoslavia and the accusations of genocide against the Serbs and other Slavs. Moreover, these events had the same objectives, used the same strategies and tactics and were planned and controlled by the same Great Powers. Their lust for control of the world knows no bounds. They are willing to murder millions so they can make billions.

One of the greatest tragedies in the world since the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews took place in Rwanda in 1994.

In the West we are told that this tragedy involved genocide by Hutus against Tutsis and that the U.S. and other Western powers sinned by failing to intervene. Many people, including some on the Left, denounced the supposed Western failure to intervene, arguing that it demonstrates indifference to the suffering of Black Africans.

**************** The Truth Turned Upside Down ****************

Those of us who have defended Hutu leaders before the ICTR have accumulated massive evidence that paints an entirely different picture.

The violence started with a series of raids against Hutus in Rwanda, conducted by the so-called Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), a U.S.-sponsored, Tutsi paramilitary organization. These raids occurred during the period 1990-1993. The raids were repelled; even so, they gave the RPF valuable information about the government's capacity to defend Rwanda. Based on this information, the U.S.-backed forces successfully invaded northern Rwanda in 1993, driving a million people from their homes. This massive campaign of terror, directed against civilians, is never mentioned in the Western media.

The second stage of violence was launched on April 6, 1994. At that time, the invading Tutsi RPF shot down the airplane carrying the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, both Hutus. The main victims of the widespread fighting that followed were Hutus and moderate Tutsis.

The western-backed Tutsi invaders of Rwanda murdered between one and a half and two million Hutus in the four months between April 6 and July 4, 1994 and have murdered more than two million more since then by attacking Hutu refugees in the Congo.

It is a tragedy made more macabre by the Tutsi claim that their Hutu victims were really Tutsis, a claim they use to justify their dictatorial stranglehold on the people of that beautiful country by portraying themselves as the victims. This macabre reversal of the truth is supported by various intellectuals, NGOs and western governments who easily fall into the racist trap of believing the lies of the Tutsi regime in Rwanda, and the lies of the Americans who, while actively involved in the murder of millions, claim to have had no involvement and to add insult to injury, 'admit' the lie that they were negligent in not taking steps to stop the war and the killing when in fact they were the sponsors.

This is the letter from the prisoners of Washington's International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda:

Further Reading:

'For Whom the Bell Tolls' by Jared Israel (11-21-2000) - Concerning Rwanda and Yugoslavia. Can be read at

'One-Sided Justice At the Rwanda Tribunal' by Dr. Emmanuel Nyemera (11-21-2000) Can be read at

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