Various folk wrote:
and other things just as nasty, although not so easily excerpted. Which is unnecessary as this is clearly a genuine misunderstanding.
I also interpreted Brad's vignette as portraying opponents of the war of being insufficiently respectful of the bereaved, and I am not lying in saying so. A close reading of the original post, I think, supports kelley's reading that it was an abstract, hypothesised paragraph about what was or wasn't politically possible, but the use of reported speech and concrete details was unfortunate. Given that everyone speed-reads email, it is far more likely that the post was genuinely and sincerely misinterpreted, although claiming that the implication was that "all protestors, no matter how polite" we being accused was a bit much. I think that in these troubled times we can all learn from these guys:
The gentlemen portrayed in the linked page are "scousers", and a good recipe for the preparation of this noble Merseyside dish is as follows:
1. Steal some lamb, onions, carrots and potatoes 2. Sort of put them in a pot and cook them until the potatoes turn to mush.
etc, etc
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