Attempts at reforms have a much better prospect of success in domestic policy than in foreign policy, in part because powers to wage war have been usurped and monopolized by the executive branch, though recent political battles, including those concerning AFDC, show that the proletariat have been beaten back in both.
To revisit the topic of child support, my argument was that the slogan "make deadbeat dads pay" was used as a wedge issue to gain feminist support for the "welfare reform," though it seems clear to me that poor dads who fathered poor children with poor moms are less reliable sources of incomes than the government, even if the government threatened them with wage garnishment, imprisonment, & other sanctions. Taxes are better spent on directly supporting poor moms by cash, rather than trying to make poor dads cough up what little they may have. Some of them may not have anything to their name, being homeless, addicted, out of their minds, or in prison. -- Yoshie
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