heterodox job ad

Forstater, Mathew ForstaterM at umkc.edu
Sat Nov 24 10:50:42 PST 2001

We have been given approval to fill the following position. There is some disagreement about whether this is the 'final' job ad or not, but in any case, the final will look pretty close to something like this. The only differences would be on the question of whether someone with a Ph.D. in a field other than economics might be considered, and whether we could consider someone for an appointment above the Assistant level. So, if you have a Ph.D. in Urban Planning or would need to be appointed an Associate, and everything else fits, I would say go ahead an apply if you're interested. We have missed the deadline to get into the JOE, so please forward this to anyone who you think might be interested. I believe we will interview candidates at the ASSA meetings, so let us know if you will be there and try to get the application in before or by Dec 15. E-mail me if you have any questions (I would encourage anyone from these lists to contact me if you plan to apply so I can give you some more information that will assist you in your application and cover letter). Mat Forstater

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University of Missouri Kansas City

H7 State and Local Government Finance R1 General Regional Economics R5 Regional Government Analysis C81 Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodologies

The Department of Economics seeks applicants for a tenure track assistant professor position for academic 2002-2003. Acceptable candidates will have a strong applied interest in urban economics, emphasizing planning and community development, along with advanced and good quantitative skills. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate instruction and active participation in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. program.. The candidate will be involved in the grant research efforts of the Center for Economic Information and the Center for Full Employment and Price Stability., involving grant research in community development and planning. A Ph.D. in Economics is preferred, but an ABD will be considered. Candidate must be ABD in Economics. Excellent quantitative, communication, and teaching skills are required. Send letter of application, vita, and one sample publication or other evidence of teaching and/or research accomplishments, and arrange for three letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin on December 15, and will continue until the position is filled. The filling of this position is contingent upon funding. An equal opportunity employer. CONTACT: Dr. Peter Eaton, Chair of Search Committee or Dr. John Ward, Chair, Department of Economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri, 64110 (eatonp at umkc.edu or wardjo at umkc.edu). Department description at http://iml.umkc.edu/econ/.

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