Thursday, November 01, 2001 - As our attention focuses on Osama bin Laden and his bloody henchmen, we shouldn't lose sight of the international legal proceedings against another thug without conscience: former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. (...) Bin Laden would do well to follow the proceedings: This is how the civilized world functions. True justice takes more time than cocking an AK-47. --------------------
ObL isn't going to learn much from the International Court of Justice. The country that he has a problem with has declared that it would "liberate" any of its citizens apprehended by the ICJ, so that doesn't leave ObL much room for litigation. As a prime suspect for S11, the only "civilised" justice he'll be getting is an in-camera kangaroo court and a quick needle, if even that. The guy who _should_ be following the proceedings is Mr. Infinite Justice himself, whose idea of justice is bombing everyone in the vicinity of a suspect. Fat chance he'll give the court a passing glance, unless it's John Negroponte or Otto Reich who's on the stand, in which case the Marines won't be far behind.
As I said in another thread, the war on Afghanistan has put justice back to where it was in the stone age.