Holy Shit! Civil War in Nepal

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Mon Nov 26 16:49:49 PST 2001

Joe Gowalka>...I condemn both sides. A Monarchy or totalitarian dictatorship - I don't want either. Being on the other side of the world, though, means there isn't much I can do about it.

I have a friend who has been to Nepal twice in the nineties. His first trip was after a peaceful revolt in the early 90's that elected a social democrat that had the support of the more moderate maoist parties. If you go to the Leftist Parties of The World website and click the Nepal webpg. you will see dozens of maoist formations, both the legal ones in parliament and the ultra-leftists that the RCP loves. Have a look see.

A good source on the net is Himal magazine.

My sense is that sectors of the royal family and parliament were negotiating with the maoist rebels but, the militarists in the maoist camp made demands that could not be reconciled. I hope that between the more radical maoists and the gov't. that a counter-insurgency slaughter ala the 90's in Peru isn't in the offing. Or Guatemala. Their Army with lotsa US $, except under Carter, killed 200,000. See a book from Westview Press, "The Guatemalan Military Project." And Susanne Jonas, same publisher or George Black, Monthly Review Press, "Garrison Guatemala." Michael Pugliese, full of ghastly #'ers... Michael Pugliese

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