USA best at making love and war

Kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Nov 28 08:07:02 PST 2001

>Mostly because people get drunk a lot.
>These surveys are all bullshit, anyway. How do you compare the US and
>Saudi Arabia, where you can have multiple wives?

well, gee, only an american would think having multiple wives was primarily about having sex.

>Do we factor in prostitutes? Does homosexual sex count?

they mention International AIDS day. do you suppose that homsex might count.

only an american...

>Only Americans would care about such crap.

only an american....

i'm not especially enamored of marketing research done by International corps like Durex, but sexology studies and feminist critiques of their premises have been pretty important to women. but, of course, it's all just unimportant nonsense that has no bearing on "the struggle".



From the YeahSureRightFW Dept: "If young women go for older men and vice-versa, who cares? The problem is the asymmetries in wealth and power between individuals which make one person more dependent on/vulnerable to the other, usually the woman. If we could eliminate class, innumerable social problems would be solved virtually overnight."

--Brett Knowlton

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