According to Fannon, to both women and men. He has a long essay on the unveiling of women in Algeria in his book on colonialism. I forget the exact title. It's not "White Skin Black Masks" and it's not "Wretched of the Earth." What he was saying made sense.
I am not writing as an anti-feminist. Once upon a time, I was in a trotskyist group in San Francisco and a young woman came to attend a meeting. At the end, she said that what she found really hard to take about us commies was the way we wanted to impose a homogeneous code of behavior upon people and that we didn't respect "cultural differences." I responded very vehemently that it was hard to talk about freedom when half the population has to walk around with a paper bag over their head (veil). I still think that. But I also think that the liberation of women: how it happens, why it happens is much more complicated than we were led to believe.
Joanna B.