Fun with statistics and "random events" ...

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Wed Oct 3 09:03:05 PDT 2001

Fascinating stuff; here's a tidbit:

| The following material shows the behavior of the Global Consciousness
| Project's network of 38 REG devices called "eggs" placed around the
| world as they responded during various periods of time surrounding
| September 11. These eggs generate random data continuously and send
| it for archiving and analysis to a dedicated server at Princeton
| University. We analyse the data to determine whether the normally
| random array of values shows structure correlated with global events.
| The underlying motivation for this work is to discover whether there
| is evidence for an anomalous interaction driving the eggs to
| non-random behaviour. In a metaphoric sense, we are looking for
| evidence of a developing global consciousness that might perceive and
| react to events with deep meaning.
| The whole world reeled in disbelief and horror as the news of the
| terrorist attack and the unspeakable tragedy unfolded. The EGG
| network registered an unmistakable and profound response.


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