Ideological Purity Re: WWP and working with them.

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Wed Oct 3 22:22:18 PDT 2001

Dennis P. wrote:

> > Is it your touchstone of ideological purity to have nothing to do
>> with anyone or anything associated with the Workers World Party?
>No. Unlike you, Yoshie, I'm not interested in academic left parlor games. Do
>you honestly believe that the average working person, with whom you seem to
>have little contact (judging from your posts) would take the WWP seriously,
>especially once they were exposed to its rhetoric and desire for
>control? I want nothing to do with the WWP because they are fascists and
>parasites. But you are free to frolic with the supporters of Chinese
>Stalinism, which I can see you have no trouble doing.
>> Why not,
>> then, make not working with AFL-CIO officials the litmus test, since
>> you say "You cannot apologize for state terror on the one hand, then
>> convincingly oppose it on the other"?
>Actually, I was opposed to the AFL-CIO when I was active in Central American
>issues during the 80s, given that their then-leader, Lane Kirkland, was
>pro-contra. But like the Teamsters, there are dissidents in the AFL-CIO, and
>the ones I came in contact with during that period were truly committed to
>stopping Reagan's wars and thus were in oppositon to the national union's

Why do you think that all who have ever participated in any event organized by the Workers World Party are either "fascists and parasites" & "Chinese Stalinists" or supporters of such, whereas you have no trouble seeing a range of opinions among AFL-CIO officials? Since Lucius Walker was one of the speakers at the S29 rally in D.C., are you now going to write off IFCO/Pastors for Peace altogether? What of Leslie Feinberg, Barbara Lubin, Howard Zinn, Graylan Hagler, Sakhi, the SOA Watch, & other individuals & orgs that endorsed and/or participated in the S29 rally?

> > Is there any reason you think that the Workers World Party's support
>> for the Chinese state is a larger threat to the workers of the world
>> than the AFL-CIO officialdom's support for U.S. foreign policy?
>I think it's a threat to Chinese workers, many of whom toil in prison
>sweatshops turning out product for China's foreign investors. As for the
>AFL-CIO, see above.

So, if the Workers World Party changes its position on China to match yours, will no Chinese worker be toiling in prison sweatshops to enrich China's foreign investors?

> > What
>> makes it OK to support strikers together with AFL-CIO officials but
>> not OK to work with Workers World organizers (among many others, mind
>> you) to get an anti-war movement going?
>You think the WWP is opposed to war?

It made its opposition to America's next war clear & acted accordingly quicker than most other left-wing outfits.

>I have a friend who was in Tienanmen
>Square during the crackdown. He spent the better part of eight hours face
>down on the pavement while a Chinese soldier periodically hit him with a
>rifle butt. All the while my friend heard students pleading for their lives
>and then being silenced with a couple of shots. Your buddies in the WWP
>celebrated this. That you can make common cause with these people is at best
>disgusting, at worst insane. Good luck with your "anti-war" movement,

I've made common cause with those who celebrated the advent of "democracy & the free market" in Russia, etc., depending on what circumstances of local organizing demanded.


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