China & the WWP Re: Ideological Purity

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Sat Oct 6 07:50:48 PDT 2001

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Yoshie Furuhashi" <furuhashi.1 at>
>>This is exactly the problem with the WWP-style "anti-war left"- murder and
>>war is okay if the victims have the "wrong" ideological composition. It's
>>just Kissinger principles in reverse.
>-Well, given your support for the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia, public
>-policy of assassination, etc., I thought you considered war and
>-murder to be "OK if the victims have the 'wrong' ideological
>One, the folks who opposed intervention in Kosovo dismissed the mass murder
>of Kosovars because they were variously described as drug runners, CIA
>agents or ethnic primitives. Thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands
>driven out of the country the year before the intervention were dismissed as
>minor repression, because the Kosovars were seen as the "wrong" victims.
>Similar (if possibly slightly smaller) recent numbers of victims in
>Palestine are (rightly) highlighted by those same people as showing nonhuman
>barbarism that deserves the extermination of the Israeli state. The
>inconsistency is awesome.
>My view on the Kosovo war was to apply exactly the amount of violence
>against the Serbian state needed to back them off and SAVE LIVES. NATO
>killed far fewer people in the war than the Serbs had killed in the year of
>"peace" before the intervention., much less the mass murder engaged in by
>the Milosevic regime during that time.
>But because the Kosovars and the Tiananmen protesters were the "wrong"
>victims, violence against them is apologized for and dismissed.
>-- Nathan Newman

It appears to me that you are not opposed to war and murder per se. You are opposed to war and murder by minor regional powers such as China & Serbia that got on the wrong side of the Empire, which you believe should be stopped by war and murder by the Empire. Otherwise, you'd also advocate war on Russia, Israel, etc., not to mention the USA itself.


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