Fuck Off Yoshie

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Sat Oct 6 10:52:26 PDT 2001

At 01:33 PM 10/6/01 -0700, Luke Weiger wrote:
>Steve wrote:
> > oh, enough with the rodney king can't-we-all-just-get-along ethos. i see
> > nothing low here, just angry and impassioned. fine with me.
>Dennis' anti-academic bias and pretensions to being in touch with the
>thoughts and feelings of the comm'n folk may not be low, but it is rather
>-- Luke

no more tiresome than the passive-agressive, "call me a right neo-liberal but, here's an article or here's an idea". no more tiresome than Pope Carrol's ex-cathedra pronouncement. No more tiresome than my defenses of sociology. no more tiresome than those who police the boundaries of what constitutes proper left thinking.

etc. furthermore, get used to dennis's attitude. if you're a leftist or an academic or both, that's the culture we swim in and the issues dennis raises ought not be ignored because ignoring them is part of the reason why the left gets nowhere, not all, but part of the reason.


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