The Beginning

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Mon Oct 8 12:58:17 PDT 2001

>...So, in other words, there will be more bloodshed -- lots of it in
fact -- though in the Next Phase it will be shed in the name of The People instead of Allah. Can't wait.


We'll be seeing more apologias like, "Humanism and Terror, " by Merleau-Ponty, I'd say. But w/o the sophistication. (Hmm, is the word sophistication derived from sophistry?) Time to (re)read Ferenc Feher on Redemptive vs. Democratic Paradigms in Radical Politics, if y'all haven't. Telos: issue # 63 ... Report Daniel Cohen: The End of Keynesianism Ferenc Feher: Redemptive and Democratic Paradigms in Radical Politics Joel Whitebook: The Politics of Redemption ...

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