-----Original Message----- From: action at dcaclu.org [mailto:action at dcaclu.org] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 12:33 PM To: Undisclosed Recipients Subject: 10-08-01 -- ACLU Action Update: Oppose New Extreme Senate Terrorism Bill!
TO: ACLU Action Network Members FR: Angela Colaiuta, National Field Organizer DT: October 8, 2001
In a dramatic departure from the anti-terrorism bill adopted by the House Judiciary Committee, Senate leaders have introduced the "Uniting and Strengthening America (USA) Act" (S.1510), a bill that would significantly undermine many of the freedoms that Americans hold dear. It is likely that this legislation will be rushed onto the Senate floor this week without any committee review.
Among the bill's most troubling provisions are measures that would give the government the authority to spy on its own people, enable the Attorney General unlimited authority to incarcerate non-citizens, and allow the government to expand its use of secret searches.
Take Action! Don't allow Congress to abandon our cherished constitutional safeguards during this time of national crisis. You can read more about this legislation and send a FREE FAX to your Senators from our action alert at:
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