Is there a nonviolent response to September 11?

Luke Weiger lweiger at
Tue Oct 9 21:10:47 PDT 2001

> So you do nothing? And that's not a rhetorical question.
> Doug

If you sincerely believe that is the best route towards preventing suffering, why not? That was a rhetorical question. Opposing the Vietnam war didn't make one a sympathizer with authoritarian communism and opposing NATO intervention in the former Yugoslavia wasn't necessarily indicative of a willingness to tolerate ethnic cleansing. Of course, whether the cause of human well-being was furthered in the latter instance is a much more open question (despite protestations left and right to the contrary) than in the case of the former. I don't know of anyone possessing the requisite prescience to claim that it's not an open question now.

-- Luke

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