Is there a nonviolent response to September 11?

kelley kwalker2 at
Wed Oct 10 10:12:08 PDT 2001

At 04:47 PM 10/10/01 +0000, Carl Remick wrote:
>>From: brettk at
>>So, you have to convince the arab world that we are not imperialist
>>overlords, and that we can co-exist on good terms without malice.
>Some of the West's most respectable opinion-mongers are going about this
>key task in a very weird way. Consider this collector's item from the
>FT: "The Need For a New Imperialism -- Afghanistan is just one example of
>failed states that threaten world order. The only answer is active
>intervention by the west, writes Martin Wolf." See

exactly. manipulation with a velvet glove. HUZZA!

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