[Fwd: Black America and the Struggle for Peace]

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Thu Oct 11 08:00:58 PDT 2001

At 09:12 AM 10/11/01 -0500, Carrol Cox wrote:

>Doug Henwood wrote:
>I forget which year it was, but at some period of heightened intensity
>an SDS 'front group' at ISU called Students against the War (SAW) was
>holding a noonhour silent vigil on campus before the student union every
>day. There were rumors that members of the football team were going to
>physically attack us. But about 40 yards behind us on the quad there
>suddenly appeared this line of black athletes. They weren't with us
>exactly -- but they damn sure eliminated any danger of white jocks
>attacking us.

geez. not unlike our current social geography.


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