Was Hitler gay?

Chris Burford cburford at gn.apc.org
Sun Oct 14 11:35:14 PDT 2001

One of the puzzling things about this was why this is not a more prominent feature of the psychodynamic profile by Langer for the US Office of Strategic Services in 1943, but I have not been able to search the whole document. This particular report was not published at all till 1972, and it may reflect that it was more convenient for the western powers to present Hitler as an example of utter evil, than a complex individual in a complex psycho-social, political and economic, environment.

In 1999 a Channel 4 programme reworked some of the issues in these papers but did not emphasise homosexuality rather heterosexual sado-masochistic practices.


People on the left have not taken this latest book up, and probably would not want to emphasise the theme if it was to lead to more prejudice against homosexual behaviour.

It may be that the real psychological story is one of Hitler as a victim of physical and sexual abuse. To explore this however, would be to do a much deeper job of unpacking the modernist 20th century idealist versions of history.

I have seen some speculative stuff on the internet that could make out quite a case for abuse, but I do not know the details of Hitler's biography to be able to suggest whether this possibility is a sound one.

Whatever the truth, "gay" does not seem intuitively to convey what Hitler's psychological problems were.

Chris Burford


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