Saturday Night Shit

ravi gadfly at
Sun Oct 14 13:56:31 PDT 2001

Dennis wrote:


> But last night,
> as bombs rip through the flesh of Afghan women and children, Quinn
> returned to give his "view," and it's clear that he's read his Hitchens
> (or perhaps Richard Bernstein in the Times). Not only did he say that
> the terrorists hit us because they hate Britney Spears' bellybutton, but
> he threw in a slam against "Professor Chomsky" for good measure. It was
> cheap and easy and far from the point...


i saw that show too last night and quinn said something meaningless like "yeah its all about the oil. thanks prof. chomsky" with a sneer on his face. its funny that nbc doesnt mind taking shots at chomsky but will probably not dare put the man himself on. having never seen quinn anywhere but on SNL (unlike you), i was not surprised - his humour has always pandered to conservative notions.


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