Right Advice

kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Mon Oct 15 15:22:43 PDT 2001

At 06:18 PM 10/15/01 -0500, Travis Fast wrote:
>This is a dead thread stop flagging it. There are much more interesting
>and pressing issues.

really? so we just alienate a bunch of people who would agree with the following sentiment?

2. "Justice not Vengeance"

3. "Without dissent, it's not America"

4. "I don't have to like Bush to love America"

5. "PHONEY WAR" http://www.gwbush.com/

gwbush.com is selling these and i'll bet more people will be wearing them. ya gonna sling them out of a broad based movement to stop the bombing because 3 and 4 are nationalist?

i don't think anti-globalization forces have anything to worry about if a bunch of democratic anti bush folks try to get their govt to stop doing something that is killing people right now and needs to stop right now.


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