civilian casualties

Justin Schwartz jkschw at
Tue Oct 16 08:13:11 PDT 2001

>Hey Justin why don't you tell us how you really feel? Is it the
>obligation of leftists to read only what they agree with? Don't go
>righteous on me; that's boring.

I read The Economist and Le Monde, as well as alternating the NYT and the WSJ. As probably the only quasi-"Austrian" on the list, and (to the horror of my friends) as a big fan of Judge Posner, I am up on more (smart) right wing literature than most folks here. But "smart" is the relevant word. We are all familiar with the kind of response that you posted: "Even, I, a left wing pacifist, say THIS TIME it is time to BOMD EM BACK TO THE STONE AGE!" We have had a long discussion about the Hitchens phenomena, and Hitch is a lot smarter than whoiz you posted. It's not like we are ina gehettow here we never hear anyone who talks like that. But the problem with a dumb article like the post is that there isn;t enough to grip to reply. it's just a statement of string opinion, and how to you argie with that?

Go engage him and all the others that
>piss you off. Hell you know the number for Bush and all the others,
>your office probably has the Federal Gov. phone directory sittin'
>around; send your venom their way. Me, I just post stuff to keep
>people from being complacent, especially since we're in the minority
>right now.

I do what I can, Ian, though I don't do political stuff from work.


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