P. Hitch's Take

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Tue Oct 16 14:48:23 PDT 2001

Au contraire, I predict the next shoe to drop is exposure of the role of the home-grown U.S. far-right in the anthrax attacks.

There was a report somewhere from a semi-official source of enthusiasm among nazi's in Germany for 911, and from a less credible source of links between McVeigh and ME terrorists. My guess is that OBL are into big buildings and planes, not germs.


I know Doug hates speculation (just said so again on pen-l, this morning) so, I'm testing the limits like a teenager but...

Conjecture on Euronazis and al-Quaida. http://bglatzer.de/nfa/nfa-0107/042-0710.txt According to German intelligence sources, the plot involved Bin Laden paying German neo-Nazis to fly remote controlled-model aircraft packed with Semtex into the conference hall and blow the leaders of the industrialized world to smithereens. (Paging Jerry Bruckheimer...)

04) War on Terrorism: Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists

Kate Connolly (The [Sunday] Observer]

7 Oct 01

German investigators into terrorist 'sleepers' have switched their attention to right-wing extremists who could join forces with Islamic fundamentalists.

Neo-Nazi groups applauded the 11 September suicide attacks on the United States, and thanked the terrorists for 'knocking out' the 'common enemy': Americans and global capitalism. A message on the website of Horst Mahler, the former extreme-left Red Army Faction guerrilla who recently emerged as the leading ideologue of extreme-right academics, congratulated the terrorists and expressed solidarity with Islamic militants.

'The military attacks on the symbols of mammonistic world power were utterly effective and therefore just,' he wrote in a statement that was peppered with anti-Semitic comments.

Confronted with his remarks in a television interview, Mahler said the attacks amounted to 'justified warfare by opponents of the global structures in the United States, and they have my full sympathy'.

Another far-right group, National Resistance (NW), said 11 September was a day for celebration.

'The attacks in the USA have received a hugely positive response on the far Right,' said Hans-Joachim Kunz, of the Bavarian section of the German Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV). 'The fact is neo-Nazis and Islamic fundamentalists have a common ideology and that is they both see the USA as their enemy.'

Following the attacks, neo-Nazis in the north-eastern town of Stralsund publicly burnt an American flag. In Eisenach a neo-Nazi was arrested after praising the attackers in a television interview.

A computer search began last week in the hunt for terrorists who may be living in Germany. A federal official involved in the investigations told The Observer: 'The two groups could be working behind the scenes - sharing logistics or bomb-making skills - towards a common goal. This would be a nightmare scenario.'

Security fears have been at fever pitch since it emerged that seven of the terrorists involved in the suicide attacks on the US had lived and studied in Germany.

The extreme Right is known to have been stockpiling firearms and bomb- making equipment in recent years. This has raised fears of a large-scale terrorist campaign, particularly in the light of a government-led initiative to ban the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) which will come into force later this year.

And Kelley sent me this a few days ago, Portrait of a Patsy by Cory Askew http://www.bomba-mag.com/serious/mcveigh.html With the tremendous media crush that has surrounded the trial and subsequent conviction of the Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh, surprisingly, not much has been made of recently uncovered conspiracy plots. As noted (or should be anyway) in the mission statement of Bomba magazine, the hope is to further enlighten our readers to issues that somehow escaped the media microscope. Many of you may be shocked by what you will read; like a blind man who has just had his sight restored after a lifetime of darkness, but stay strong will become less blurry as time passes. First and foremost on our journey towards enlightenment... If you still believe McVeigh acted alone (unless you count the little worm, Nichols) then give your head a shake: McVeigh was the fall guy. Recent anonymous callers to the Bomba Afghanistan bureau, have confirmed that Timothy McVeigh was simply a soldier in one of Osama Bin Laden terrorist cell networks. Providing some complimentary evidence to these anonymous callers, are recent revelations that several eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a man of Arab decent riding with McVeigh in the Ryder truck as they entered the Murrah Building the day of the bombing. Could this man have been John Doe number 2" that the infamous FBI has now been seeking for six years? For a moment, lets put McVeigh's middle east affiliations aside and look at the man himself, and why not even David E. Kelley could have dreamt up a better character to play the role of patsy. He is a young, white male, with known ties to the Montana militia and several southern White supremacy movements. McVeigh returns home from distinguished service in the Gulf War to find a lack of opportunities and hardly the heroes' welcome that he was anticipating. He spends the next several years (what were to be the best years of his life) as a dejected, angry, and resentful twenty-something. Along the road, he meets many people who harbor the same feelings of anger and hatred towards a country that, they feel, has abandoned them. Government raids on Ruby Ridge and the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas in 1993, were the final straw in a series of incidents that solidified McVeigh's views and set in motion the events that culminated in April of 1995 in Oklahoma City. Perhaps the key in connecting Tim McVeigh to Osama Bin Laden, lies in the fact that he had dissolved all of this ties to any American dissident group, far before the planning stages of the attack. McVeigh could not have hatched this technically elaborate plot without some help. Enter Osama Bin Laden (through his intricate cells), who creates and carries out the most incredible act of terrorism on US soil in history. It is important to point out that McVeigh knows from the beginning that he will be shouldering the weight of the blame should he be captured. Like a good little patsy, he does. In his eyes, he will be a martyr for ever to anti-US groups the world over, and most importantly, within the US itself. For Osama Bin Laden, to boast his involvement in bombings, means once again risking the wrath of US attacks on his Afghan chemical factories and weapon depots. Furthermore, Bin Laden doesn't upset his current landlord (the Taleeban), by risking a US confrontation between the two. He is quite content to sit back, watch McVeigh take the wrap, and sip Pina Coladas while US justice agencies ponder his involvement and worry about where he will strike next. Quite simply, for the US government to acknowledge Bin Laden's involvement, is to also acknowledge that could happen again. McVeigh now lays with more needle marks than Robert Downey Jr., a prime-time star as he took that inevitable fatal last step towards martyrdom. Meanwhile, the US Justice Department was patting itself on the back for a job well done and for putting to death the man responsible for one of the most infamous crimes in the Nations history. Osama Bin Laden, the man essentially responsible for this tragic deed, will be scheming towards his next act of terrorism (possibly working from a Vancouver suburb). What's worse is that the American citizenry will have accepted that this diabolical creature named Timmy, was solely responsible for hijacking their precious public safety and not for what he truly is ... the biggest patsy since Lee Harvey Oswald.

Michael Pugliese aka Paul Harvey Oswald

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