Desire for Justice in the Unjust World re: Doug: "Whuppass those mofos!"

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Thu Oct 18 12:57:14 PDT 2001

>Carl said:
>>For Doug Henwood, a WBAI radio host who wrote the scathingly anti-capitalist
>>Wall Street, one of the best-selling leftist books of the decade, and who
>>called the Gulf War and the bombing in Kosovo "American imperial
>>manipulations," the question [about how to respond to the Sept.11 attack] is
>>a no-brainer. "This is an attack on us," he said. "There is a near-certainty
>>that something will be done again soon. Clearly, considerable use of force
>>will have to be used to capture these motherfuckers."
>Yeah, Carl, Doug wants to see the perps brought to justice (I think he
>realizes too that he won't get his desire fulfilled), not innocents
>bombed. Real justice, not the kind of horseshit the elites are slinging
>now. What's wrong with that? I agree with (almost) all he said.

Desire for justice in the unjust world can be a dangerous thing. A frustrated desire for justice in the unjust world, I believe, in part informs the minds of those who resort to suicide bombings, motivating them to mete out their own justice. The same desire in the minds of leftists and others in the USA will produce even worse damages than the WTC bombing, for they do not have the courage to risk their own lives & would rather have the U.S. government "do something," even knowing that it will obey neither laws nor morals.

However, one may very well wonder if it's simply a frustrated desire for justice that motivates ambivalent leftists, as they do not rage, "What, do nothing?" when nothing happens to those who authorize or commit the crimes of U.S. imperialism.

-- Yoshie

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