> > What a 14-carat, gold-plated asshole. I can't believe that a large
number of
> > lefties buy into the above obscenity -- but then, I've been proven wrong
> > many times.
To which Chuck0:
> What evidence do you have that a "large number of lefties" buy into
> Churchill's thoughts? Have you done some kind of instant poll? You are
> starting to sound like Hitchens and the other sellout Lefties who are
> helping out our class enemies on the right and in the neoliberal
> establishment.
Can't you fucking read? I said that I "can't believe that a large number of lefties" would buy into such bullshit, but that, given the years I've spent on the left, nothing would surprise me. I never said that they DID buy into it. Thus, no "evidence" is needed.
Don't you have a McDonald's to trash or something?