Desire for Justice in the Unjust World re: Doug: "Whuppass those mofos!"

Todd Archer arch0005 at
Fri Oct 19 04:43:06 PDT 2001

Yoshie said:

>Desire for justice in the unjust world can be a dangerous thing.

Yes, and the manner in which Bush is meting it out is suspect, at the least. It doesn't preclude looking for justice in other, less destructive, ways or even drawing a line past which one will not go in search of justice. Desire for justice must be tempered with intelligence, forethought, understanding, and compassion.

>frustrated desire for justice in the unjust world, I believe, in part
>informs the minds of those who resort to suicide bombings, motivating
>them to mete out their own justice.

Yes, Marx said something to that effect in a posting I put up a few weeks ago; comparing individual terrorists with "alchemists". I agree.

>The same desire in the minds of
>leftists and others in the USA will produce even worse damages than
>the WTC bombing, for they do not have the courage to risk their own
>lives & would rather have the U.S. government "do something," even
>knowing that it will obey neither laws nor morals.

Whoa! Back up! "Doing something" doesn't mean necessarily joyfully giving the government carte blanche to do whatever the hell IT wants. I don't approve of the bombing, and I've said before that I agree with Carrol: bring the troops home. What I would not be happy with (albeit to a much lesser extent than I am with the situation as it is now), would be to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The bombing was a crime, not of property damage, but of loss of life. And any one besides the bombers, who, in the course of the investigation, are found to have had a hand in the bombing should be treated as suspects in a criminal investigation. That was the course, more or less, I would have given my approval to (for what THAT'S worth); I would have died of a heart-attack on the spot had Bush said that was the course he was going to take. I expected something like this was waiting in the wings.

>However, one may very well wonder if it's simply a frustrated desire
>for justice that motivates ambivalent leftists, as they do not rage,
>"What, do nothing?" when nothing happens to those who authorize or
>commit the crimes of U.S. imperialism.

I don't know of any lefties like that (yet, at least). If that dig is directed at me personally, since when have I been all for sparing Kissenger, most U.S. presidents, and various and sundry other bastards from justice for their crimes?


>- --

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