Desire for Justice in the Unjust World

Dennis dperrin13 at
Fri Oct 19 09:03:37 PDT 2001

Dennis Breslin:

> Lets dispense with moral arguments and concerns over justice
> and injustice as Yoshie wants. And lets follow a pragmatic
> path. If the tactic of suicide attacks on the WTC and the
> Pentagon makes a dent in the Empire's armor so that its pride
> is hurt, it arrogance is now an embarrassment, its actions
> provoke increased global resistance or instability among the
> regimes the Empire supports, and a reluctance by the Empire
> to shed its own blood and therefore its effectiveness,
> then the 6,000 deaths on American soil are were not victims,
> their death not regretable, and sorrow for the dead and
> their families run counter to the aims to undo the >Empire.

What mirror are you stepping into, Alice? If anything, the terrorist attacks have bolstered the Empire and handed it a blank check to do practically anything it wants, in the Middle East and at home, with little dissent. In addition, the "War on Terror" now brings into line actors like Russia, China, Indonesia and Turkey, who, by being on "the right side," can decimate their "terrorist" targets without fear of US reprisal. The 6,000 deaths were tragic enough, for the families of those killed and still missing. But whoever performed this deed did the Empire a tremendous favor, and that is a tragedy for the rest of us.


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